On 11 Dec, 2022 By Bill Kowk
Soundscape, along with guest performers Peace Arch Chorus, delighted audiences on December 10 with music for the holiday season. The weather may have been dark and rainy, but the smiles were bright, and the laughter was warm! Check out a few photos from the night below!


Special guests, Peace Arch Chorus
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On 22 Jul, 2020 By Bill Kowk
Welcome Our New Director
Sam Dabrusin!
Soundscape, is a unique, mixed a cappella chorus, currently between 25-30 members, and Sam Dabrusin has accepted the role of Musical Direrector. We are excited to launch our program in 2020/21 under the leadership of Sam and his many skills.
Virtual Rehearsals are starting now. We have our learning tracks and music secured for all of our repetoire now. Voice coaching and many other options are available via Zoom with your membership!
Drop us an email for more information!
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On 27 Feb, 2020 By Bill Kowk
Join us as we entertain at 1 pm and 2:30 pm inside the old train station at 176th and #10 hwy (behind the Clydesdale Pub!)
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